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Showing posts from 2018

Day 1: #100DaysOfPython

Hi folks, As committed before, I have started my #100DaysOfPython challenge. I have started covering some basic topics like loops, if-else, date time property calculations etc. All of my code is continuously synced with my GitHub repository. Give a pull request anytime in case you want to add something so that entire community will be benefitted. My GitHub Profile Leave a comment if you want any specific topics to be covered. Happy coding. You can also follow me on twitter to get the updates:  @pickkideb

Python: Challenge 100 days

Hi viewers, from today I will be starting my Python, Challenge 100 days. In this 100 days, I will be covering various topics of Python just to improve my skills. At the end of each day, I will be posting what new thing I have learned. Sometimes there may be a gap of one or two days based on my schedule I have. P.S. I have some basic knowledge of Python and other languages so I won't start from the beginning. If you want me to cover the basic topics as well, let me know in the comment box. Happy coding. You can also follow me on twitter to get the updates:  @pickkideb